Itis unbearable.Ihave stoodon my feetfor hoursand watched peoplestrollingby,without a single drop to drink.
Then comes therescue!The uniformedbottlecarriersees mydistress.Hail you Champucero, Pride of Latacunga,son ofthe mightyvolcanoCotopaxiin the forgottenland ofEcuador.
Iknowyou're tired now,but wewill not give up. After all,Christmas is Christmas.
Christmas Treesin Ecuadorare usuallycarried outin plastic.Someclear-headedsouls havereasonedthatit mightbe unnecessaryto recycle plasticbottles tocreatea Christmas tree.Wecan juststack them theway they are,and presto: We do have a lovely Christmas tree!
ThepicturedChristmasdecorationis outside theministry of farming.
If itmight not beliterallywhat is written, you should still guard youwell todefileit withyourbottom. Atthis tableand on this chairsatnamely the heroesof Ecuadorwhen theysigned theDeclaration of Independenceafter centuries ofSpanishrule.
One mightadd thatit was not justink that flowed inthis context.Plenty ofblood wasalsoshed onboth sidesbefore itgot as faras gettingsomething down onpaper.
And the papers are alsoexhibitedin this museumaffiliated withSanAgustinChurch inQuito.
A naturalabsenceof coniferspromotes the Ecuadoriansabilityto improvisewhen theydecoratefor Christmas.There isof coursea lotin plasticbut almost everything can be used.
Hereforexample, The Postal Service has recycledsome oldboxesand stackedthem upin the conic shape of the Cristmas tree. Arethere lessChristmas spiritbecause of that?
Hereis the overview ofEcuador'sbiggest publicenemies.Measurementsof the correspondingskullsmatch the profile of a perfect criminal.Onlytwo orthree ofthese guys do havecriminal records, but all of them are running aspresidentialcandidate for theelectionsin February 2013.
The ninthcandidate, "Don Burro" was not approved.Itis not confirmed whether it was becauseDonBurrois an ass. Few people, however, doubt thathewould have done an honorably election.
Inour series of"obscene pictures from Ecuador" today, we presentthis scene: two nakedmen inwrestling matchand an unhappydragonlyingsquashedunderneath.The statuehas recently beendeployedalong with anumber of others inthe main streetNacionesUnidas.
Here the censorshipapparentlyintervened andpositioneda beltto coverthe man'sanus.
The work isotherwisedated1904.Maybe it hasbeenon the municipalitystockthe last hundredyears,until they found the times mature.
Lowflying has been and still is a problem in Quito.
We arenot sure of the cause. One possiblereason maybe thatthe pilotsarestaringblindatthe altimeter thatindicates2850metersabove sea level, and do not realizethat theyare inthe middle of theafternoonrush ofEcuador's capital.
Whateverthey createproblemsby not comply withtrafficregulations. They do not stayin theright lane, and sometimesthey even leavetheroadway.There was aBoeing2524whichtookthelaundry of Mrs.Lopezthe other day.
The authoritiesremain silenton the issue, focusing instead onthe progressthey have achievedin agriculturalpolicy.
Four ofgreatest menin the historyof latin America is waiting for you whenyou sit down at the tableto enjoy yourgourmetpizza.
But whatare their names andwhat have they done tobehonored withtheir portraitsat this upscaleeateryby theTenariverbank? Well, indeed you should know.
Perhaps the flags shown under their noble faces will help you?
From immemorial times The Tree God has ruledEcuador.He is not figuring onany officiallists ofstatesmen andpresidents,but thatdoes not matter.He knows heis in charge. Not evenPresidentCorreawill dare to challengehim.
However the rainforest departmenthas several times frightened him with closure.
Here he isrenderedby a localartist inthis year'scarnival.Unlike someother fearful religions, the Tree God not bother showing his face .
Asa discreetshade.You almost doesn,t notice it,centrally located close to the parkAlameda.PlazaSanBlaswith its colonial church is aslo locatednext door.
Thisfuturisticbuilding from the fifties looms darklyin the center ofQuito.What is itshistory?Once it wasperhapsan ambitiousproject wherefinanciers exchangedmoney and pullingthe strings. Then they disappearedcompletely from theface of the earth.
Nowit has been lonelyand abandonedfor many years, with itsvengefuland grimlook.Those wholays eyeson itrealize it'sbetter to walkby.
This is my lad . What he can do balancing on the staircase!!
But what he gets paid for are indeed to renovate the windows on the crystal palace in the Itchimbia park in Quito.
And he probably don't get more than the standard local wages. They are supposingly a little lesser than you receive in the US or Canada. Risk allowance? I doubt it. You have to trust your acrobatic skills.
He goes, of course to the Galapagos Islands during his vacations, where he takes in at a hotel with all rights.
Then he plants his fat Bermuda shorts-cased butt in a chair, waiting for the small ones to come to him. And he has a lot of sugar. If thats the reason why the bird decided to solve his table, or if there is a desire for a life in the limelight, is not known.
The Photographer 'works' at the Natural History Museum in Oslo.
Among the water park agency's many employees in Quito, we have this guy. Every time I jog around the park Carolina on my tired legs, he stands there. Indefatigable in the same position, in sunshine or in rain.
But that is life for the poor in Ecuador. It must be working late and early in order to maintain the family's subsistence. His miserable payouts are enough microscopic compared with the water company boss invoice for the consumption of water.
It is wet enough in Quito during the rainy season, if not some even forget to turn off this tap.
No, it is sealed, thank Good. This is simply a monument erected by the Water Supply Manager of Quito, probably over himself. A small park near his office is devoted to this excelent liquid.
Along the Ecuadorian coast and particularly in the city of Guayaquil, people go crazy then the crab season of the year begins. Armed with clubs they attack the poor animals. They smash their heads, maim them, for at the end devour them.
It had to happen sooner or later. Crabs got enough. The picture is one of them got hold of his assailants club. Which that followed was not a pretty sight.
One of the mostexotic part of life in Ecuador, is the price of adult soft drinks.
Justwatch thisgorgeousstatement.Abottle ofvodkafor only $7.07.
As thisweren't not enough,you geta quart oforange juicefor free!Very thoughtful and responsable of thesupermarket. Pure vodka is not too good for your stumack.
The Party is in the middle of the street. On the bus. These coloful "chiva"buses are patrolling the streets of quito everey weekend. Everyone can join.
Dancing and cheering, with latino pop on its highest volume, there is no chance left for a middleaged/ old man to get a sleep.
In connection with the celebration of the Quito days, they also run daytime. So much for the after-noon nap....
Discretly on a wall, near the church Basilica Voto Nacional in Quito we see it.
"Help me home. My name is Peluchin and I am the hole life of my little master, who si suferring because I am lost. Please call....."
Ecuador-Life wishes good luck and a recent solution of the problem. Otherwiseit will beone of thosestrokesthat are sure tohardenthe youngmasterlater inlife ...
We are herein front of thepresidentialpalace inQuito.It is also the place where thegovernmentmake theirimportant decisions, for the delight and the indignation of the people.
In the foregroundan locally made ice-lolliewith coconut. Tiltedand with real cocnut inside.Yummi-yummi :-)
The road isfor everyone.Butsome are more equal than others.
If you meettheseseñoritason your way, you've just have to wait.As you, lazy tourist,onlyget loston the highway on the way to the "playa",theseladies get a job todo.Lifein ruralEcuador ishard, milking, fertilization and so on beforebedtime.
So, take a breakuntil theprocessionis over.Andgive these hardworking ladiesa kind thoughtwhile youlater areenjoyingyourselfwith an umbrelladrink at the beach.
In Ecuador carnival is identicalwith a properwaterwar.The sale ofspray canswith foamwas evenbetter than the bananas.If you loveyour neighbor yougive hima propershower!
Minorschoosewith love foreign-looking menwith dignity. Gettherefore acouple ofhigh capacity water pistolsand a some spray cansto defendyourself. And,not least, take revenge!
Theintermediatesalsouse flour,eggs and otherfood items intheir arsenal. This year the mudbecame an additionalfactor because of the large amount of rains. In this picturewe could see some of the fighting demons leaving the arena of Mindo.
We have onlydisperseda few selecteditems fromEcuador'sfall collection, of course in alpaca.
Perhaps a modesthatto impressthe ladies?A robust andstylishsweater, good glovesand warmsocks this year's colors are also among the products.
All clothesare designed and manufacturedby theIndiansin Otavalo, a small towna couplehours south ofQuito, The inhabitantsare hard-working and inventivecraftsmen.There are fewtourists whodo not returnhome fromEcuadorwith some ofthese creationsin their luggage.
The skippersitsproudlyonits ownship.Manyare thepassers whowonderhow asealcanmake such acareer.
Or ishejust aguardtaking his libertieswhilethe realcaptainisfor a walk at earth?
No, in theGalápagos island is theetiquettethat Father seal can take astrainon deckwhen the boatare anchored up.Buthecertainly wish to be able tomaneuver theboatfor fishing a little to his own domestic.